Who are you?

Who are you? My name is Inigo Montoya. LOL JK. To some, I'm actually a pineapple from outerspace, I went to an intergalatic school called pigfarts, it's on MARS! To others, I am a mere ascendant from the Princess Cantaloupe Cadence and Luna Lemon. I have not yet earned my royal fragrance as a fruity princess fruit, but I'm still part of the Royal Rumba Family. I'm known to use a blue telephone box, I also wear scarves and drag around a man called Watson as my assistant.  I have a rival named Berry and I want to be the very best like no one ever was inside the fruitbowl. ( But seriously, If you want to learn about us, please check our ‘about’ section online)

                                                           Over and Out,

2/23/2013 10:54:16 am

Your the weirdest person i know


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